Hundreds of Competencies to Choose From

Strategic Thinking

Participants Group :
360 Debrief Experience :
Coaching Experience :
Certified Coach :
Cost :
Indutsry :
Location :

Strategic Thinking

Job/Role : Mid to Senior Leadership
Statements / Items :
  • The ability to see what is – and what could be – and make choices that lead to desired outcomes
  • Integrates trends and developments in different areas into an integrated vision of the future
  • Formulates objectives and priorities, and implements plans consistent with the long-term interests of the organization
  • Examines business needs in an attempt to identify opportunities or obstacles
  • Sees beyond the current business model and astutely identifies trends and makes linkages between business issues and potential opportunities
  • Has peripheral vision; thinks laterally about external trends
  • Draws out new insights from diverse and complex information that are not obvious to others
  • Defines a clear long-term vision for the business; paints a compelling picture of new opportunities
  • Understands program inter-dependencies and the need to integrate activities across functions/areas related to project planning, program implementation and evaluation
  • Develops new concepts, adapts current solutions and implements new approaches to meet emerging or evr changing business needs
  • Analyzes complex business issues, develops new concepts and distills new solutions which are consistent with the strategy and vision
  • + 45 more statements to choose from

Category :
The competencies include :

Personal Accountability

Participants Group :
360 Debrief Experience :
Coaching Experience :
Certified Coach :
Cost :
Indutsry :
Location :

Personal Accountability

Job/Role : Mid Management
Statements / Items :
  • Does not make excuses for errors or problems
  • Takes responsibility for mistakes & corrects them
  • Communicates clearly to stakeholders when deadlines and agreements cannot be fulfilled
  • Is accountable & takes responsibility for his own behavior and the related results
  • Does not diffuse blame for not meeting expectations
  • Faces up to problems with people quickly and directly
  • Holds oneself and others accountable for making principled decisions and addresses unethical and unsatisfactory behavior head on
  • Presents oneself as a polished professional who exemplifies success and credibility
  • Inspires others to be more professional
  • Demonstrates professionalism when judged
  • Takes responsibility for all work activities and personal actions
  • Follows through on commitments
  • + 30 more statements to choose from

Category :
The competencies include :

Influencing Others

Participants Group :
360 Debrief Experience :
Coaching Experience :
Certified Coach :
Cost :
Indutsry :
Location :

Interpersonal Relationships

Job/Role : Mid to Senior Leadership
Statements / Items :
  • Is Sensitive to people’s needs and feelings
  • Is willing to relook at own point of view , for a big picture view which benefits all
  • Is a good listener, uses empathy to read others (e.g., understanding, is aware of, and sensitive to a client’s or co-worker’s situation) and acts accordingly.
  • Constructively addresses differences of opinions, resolving conflicting situation by being cognizant of different perspectives and ways of working.
  • Demonstrates an awareness of own style
  • Thinks carefully about the likely effect on others of one’s words, actions, appearance and mode of behavior and makes adjustments as necessary
  • Seeks out opportunities to meet people and develop a network
  • Facilitates discussions and gives consideration to a range of interests, options and possibilities
  • Inspires and persuades others to voluntarily follow direction, pursue and achieve goals, and adopt new positions or opinions
  • Promotes the creation of shared mission, vision, and values, and uses those principles to guide actions

+ 60 more statements to choose from

Category :
The competencies include :

Creativity & Innovation

Participants Group :
360 Debrief Experience :
Coaching Experience :
Certified Coach :
Cost :
Indutsry :
Location :

Creativity & Innovation

Job/Role : Mid Management
Statements / Items :
  • Applies original thinking & generate innovative solutions in work situations
  • Identifies implicit assumptions in the way problems or situations are defined or presented
  • Sees alternative ways to view or define problems
  • Is not constrained by the thoughts or approaches of others
  • Challenges the status quo by continuously reviewing personal work processes
  • Questioning traditional or established processes to make improvements
  • Targets important areas for innovation and develops solutions that address meaningful work issues
  • Leverages diverse resources & draws upon multiple and diverse sources for ideas and inspiration
  • Views situations from multiple perspectives
  • Explores different lines of thought
  • Combines ideas in unique ways or makes connections between disparate ideas

+ 40 more statements to choose from

Category :
The competencies include :

Team Work & Collaboration

Participants Group :
360 Debrief Experience :
Coaching Experience :
Certified Coach :
Cost :
Indutsry :
Location :

Team Work & Collaboration

Job/Role : Mid Management
Statements / Items :
  • Actively seeks the participation/input of others in work functions and projects
  • Builds appropriate alliances across organizational lines
  • Doesn’t take hard, non negotiable positions
  • Encourages collaboration among the team members
  • Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other teams
  • Fosters a climate of collaboration
  • Maintains smooth, effective working relationships
  • When working with others, looks to add value
  • Works effectively as a member of informal teams or groups
  • Shifts priorities, changes style and responds with new approaches as needed to meet group goals
  • Facilitates communication between people experiencing conflict who have previously been unable to solve problems

+ 40 more statements to choose from

Category :
The competencies include :

Stakeholder’s Management

Participants Group :
360 Debrief Experience :
Coaching Experience :
Certified Coach :
Cost :
Indutsry :
Location :

Stakeholder’s Management

Job/Role : Mid to Senior Leadership
Statements / Items :
  • Identifies stakeholder’s at the project initiation phase and their concerns
  • Prioritizes stakeholder’s concerns and potential impacts on the project
  • Manages stakeholder engagement by addressing stakeholder’s’ need and keeps the communication lines open
  • Manages the expectations of stakeholder’s throughout the lifecycle of the project
  • Offers to cover the responsibilities of a colleague while he/she is on vacation
  • Makes necessary information available to project stakeholder’s in a concise and timely fashion
  • Sets and, if necessary, reset stakeholder expectations
  • Manages stakeholder relationships to ensure commitment and involvement, and to encourage effective collaboration
  • Communicate risks and their possible results to stakeholder’s, Warns stakeholder’s if changes will affect them
  • Holds regular consultation to ensure that requirements are agreed and solution is negotiated that is acceptable to the majority of stakeholder’s
  • Understands the root cause of stakeholder behaviour, and assesses if there is a better way to work together to maintain a productive relationship

+ 50 more statements to choose from

Save your precious time & effort with 120 competencies and 5000 + items(questions)

Category :
The competencies include :

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